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  • Writer's pictureAston-Leigh

A Quick & Simple Feminine Hygiene Routine: Staying Fresh All Day Long

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Let’s talk about intimate feminine hygiene. Whether it’s dealing with your period, cleaning up after sex or just every day maintenance, you want to make sure you are keeping your intimate areas healthy, balanced and fresh throughout the day. No two women are the same, so what works for someone else may not work for you, and sometimes, it’s not always the most straight forward method that will deliver the results you want. So, today I’m going to take you through my routine, including product recommendations and tips and tricks on keeping your downstairs smelling good, tasting good, and getting rid of unwanted odour and discomforts.

Before we jump in, I want to say it is completely unrealistic to think you will never have any odour. Vaginas have a natural odour, and each woman's odour is different. It’s completely understandable that a strong or bad odour can cause embarrassment and insecurities, and if you find nothing you do seems to be working, I highly suggest seeking professional help. However, a natural odour isn’t something you should be embarrassed by or try to cover up, it’s completely normal and simply means your lady parts are doing exactly what they need to be.

In Shower Care

We all know that using products inside of your vaginal opening is a hard no, as this can ruin your PH balance and cause unnecessary problems. Quite frankly, our vaginas do an amazing job of keeping themselves clean on their own, and they don’t really need any help from us. However, when it comes to the external area and outer lips – the vulva, keeping it clean on a daily basis is integral to maintaining all day freshness.

You want to be washing your downstairs area with gentle, fragrance-free washes, either specifically formulated for that area or gentle enough to use without causing any irritation. There are plenty of intimate washes on the market, however I know there is some contention on whether they are good to use or not. Some women swear by them, whilst others warn against them. I’ve personally used a few intimate washes and they’ve never caused me any problems, other than dryness. Which is why I opted for something a little different. Introducing: Baby Dove: Head to Toe Wash. These are absolutely amazing for cleaning your intimate areas. They are formulated for sensitive skin, as well as being pH neutral. Extremely mild, they help your skin retain its natural moisture without being harsh or causing imbalance. I use the Baby Dove: Rich Moisture Head To Toe Wash and the Baby Dove: Calming Nights Head To Toe Wash. They also have a sensitive and completely fragrance free one, if you prefer.

Now, when it comes to actually using the wash, you want to leave your intimate areas till last, so that you are washing away any body wash or exfoliator that may have gotten around the area during your shower. Using about four or five pumps of the wash, I go in with my fingers, gently washing the outside and working it in and across the entire area, including gently spreading the labia to clean in and around the folds. I then let it sit for a minute before thoroughly washing it off. If you find that you don’t feel completely clean using your fingers, then try using a baby wash cloth. Normal wash cloths are far too harsh, but baby wash clothes are made for extremely sensitive skin, and when used gently should deliver the results you want.

You can also use this same technique for your behind. A few pumps, wash gently with either your fingers or a wash cloth, working it into all the crevices whilst carefully avoiding going inside. Again, let it sit for a minute or more and then completely wash clean.

If you find yourself struggling with persistent unwanted odour downstairs, or you’ve had a fun filled weekend (wink, wink,) then I recommend bathing. Personally, after I’ve had sex, having a good twenty-thirty-minute soak in the bath and then following up with my intimate routine, will have me smelling and feeling fresh for the rest of the day.

Another method that I have seen thrown around and promoted, is adding one or two cups of Apple Cider Vinegar to your bath. ACV’s antibacterial properties can neutralize any odour-causing bacteria. As it is a mild acid, ACV is also touted to help restore the natural pH balance of your skin, which if in the bath can also include your downstairs. Personally, I have never tried this method, and there are claims on both sides to its effectiveness. However, I felt I would share the option for anyone who may want to give it a go.

After Shower Care

A common mistake we can make is leaving our downstairs damp after cleansing. Going about your day, whilst your vagina is still damp, means you are locking in all that moisture in a warm, damp space. This can make bacteria grow more quickly and lead to issues like yeast infections and strong odours. So, when you hop out of your shower, you want to make sure you are drying your intimate areas properly. Personally, I just pat it down with a clean towel, before drying the rest of my body, however another common way of doing it is with a paper towel.

Once you are all dry, you want to make sure you are moisturising the area externally only. Because you are moisturising the outside, you can use something fragranced or scented here as long as you careful. I personally just use the same body butter and lotion I do on the rest of my body.

If you are one of my ladies that sweats a lot, then apply some Johnson’s Baby Powder or the Vagisil Ultra Fresh Intimate Powder – my preferred option - on top of your moisturiser externally and on your bikini line, letting it dry before you get dressed. As powder can absorb sweat and reduce friction, it can also help to mask and control odour from that area. This is also works well if you have just shaved and the area is sensitive.

Freshening Up

For whatever reason, you may find yourself wanting to freshen up throughout the day. For this, you are going to want to always keep one thing on hand: wipes. Wipes are essential when it comes to all day freshness, as they are going to get the area far cleaner than tissue and remove odour more effectively. They also come in handy for making sure you are well and truly clean after relieving yourself.

When it comes to wipes, just like the wash, you want to stick to a specific kind. Again, you can opt for intimate wipes, but in my opinion, they are far too expensive for daily use. Instead, I use any brand of baby wipes or my current favourite, the Andrex Classic Clean Washlets. You can pick up a four pack of these in Wilko for five pounds, and keep one in your bag, and one on the back of your toilet. Whatever wipes you buy, you want to make sure they are mostly water, with no added fragrances or additives. Whether it’s after using the toilet, removing excess sweat or just a quick freshen up, wipes are going to get you right down there.

For really hot days, use the wipes everywhere you want to clean and then re-apply some of the powder mentioned above back on the area.

Internal Care

Keeping your intimate areas clean is about more than just physically cleaning. What you put into your body is important aswell. Water is key when it comes to vaginal health, as dehydration can seriously throw off your PH balance, resulting in complications and odour. Water of course, has a host of health benefits including glowing skin and washing all the toxins from your body, so definitely keep on top of your water intake. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is also important, for gut and urinary tract health, and can help keep your vagina healthy and balanced. As they say, you are what you eat.

Another way to combat odour from the inside, is probiotics and supplements. Cranberry tablets are very popular as they are effective at preventing recurring UTIs and contain antioxidants which can protect your body from free radicals. There is another claim that they can also make your intimate area smell like cranberries. I personally can’t say I have ever noticed that nor had a comment on it, but that may just be me. They are however, filled with good nutrients that will help lead to a healthy body. Which is only good news.

In general, keeping your body clear of toxins and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, will translate into keeping away odour. As long as you take good, daily care of your intimate area it should remain smelling and tasting good through-out the day.

Thank you for reading!


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