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  • Writer's pictureAston-Leigh

Creating The Perfect Wardrobe: In Three Steps

“I have so many clothes, and yet, nothing to wear.”

Changing outfits several times in the morning, before feeling confident enough to go outside? Guiltily sifting through purchases, you swore you were going to wear, only for them to still have their tags on a year later? Avoiding specific items in your wardrobe because they looked great on the model, but not on you?

If you find yourself thinking these things, then a wardrobe overhaul, sounds long overdue.

We all dream of an aesthetically pleasing and perfect wardrobe, with curated pieces that spark joy and confidence. So, if you think you are ready to rebuild your wardrobe from the ground up, here are the three steps I took, that made the process smooth and pleasantly enjoyable and hopefully, it will be for you too.

So, let’s begin!

Out With The Old

Before you begin, you want to have a clear picture in your mind of what a perfect wardrobe looks like for you, a goal if you will. Which means taking into account everything from your current fashion choices to your lifestyle. Once you have that picture, keep it in mind throughout the process.

The hardest of all three tasks, is the decluttering stage. Though I didn’t quite take the minimalist or capsule wardrobe approach – though this is definitely an option, - I felt inspired by both when it came to this aspect of my overhaul.

To start the decluttering, remove every piece you haven’t worn in a while, or ever. However, don’t be too hasty in tossing them into the donation pile. Consider why you haven’t worn it. Is it reserved for a special event, such as a wedding or funeral? Perhaps it’s a summer piece and therefore not suitable for the cold weather. Maybe it’s an item that was gifted to you, so you feel guilty not keeping it? Just be honest with yourself about each item, until you’ve emptied your entire wardrobe and split everything into these three categories:

· Old/Not Your Style/Simply Won’t Wear – Sell or Donate

· Not In Season/Doesn’t Fit At The Moment – Store

· In Need Of Repair/Refresh – Dry Cleaners or Donate

You don’t want to end up storing too much on the prospect of ‘possibly’ wearing it. Seasonal pieces are always a good one to keep, if you are absolutely sure you will wear them again. As are pieces that don’t fit at the moment - perhaps due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations or medical issues – but will in the future.

I feel the hardest pieces to get rid of are those we have an attachment too. Sometimes, attempting to get rid of them can cause guilt or a sense of loss. When dealing with these feelings, try to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind. You can always hold on to deeply sentimental pieces - such as a wedding dress or an item made by a family member - storing them away with their good memories. Just try to make sure it is only things you would truly miss.

Keep in mind that your personal style is always evolving, and ideally, your perfect wardrobe will grow and change with you. Something you love now, may take a backseat in a year or so, and that’s perfectly fine. If that time comes, simply replace that piece with another and move on.

When you’ve finally settled on the clothing you want to get rid of, it is time to find them a new home. I highly recommend selling pieces that are good quality, in great condition or trending if you can. That way, you will recoup some money, that can be spent on new items for wardrobe, or anything you like.

For those pieces that can’t be sold, don’t let them sit around or you will be tempted to start adding them back into your wardrobe. Donate them as quickly as you can, whether that’s to charity, or friends and family. Whilst those you’ve decided to keep but need a new lease of life, should head to your local dry cleaners or tailors. Acting quickly in taking care of these items, not only takes some of the pressure off your back, but you will also leave you feeling accomplished in letting them go. More often than not, you will quickly forget what you even got rid of, which is a sure sign you didn’t need them anyway.

Evaluate What You Are Working With

With decluttering out of the way, it’s time to assess what you have, and what you don’t. This is quite an easy and fun task, but always keep in mind your personal style. For instance, I never wear playsuits or dungarees, as they simply don’t suit me. However, when I see a pair that looks cute, or is trendy, I’m tempted to purchase them, even though it will only sit in my wardrobe collecting dust. So, though that may seem like there is a ‘dungaree size gap’ in my wardrobe, in reality there is a gap, but not for those.

If you find yourself struggling to figure out what crucial items your collection is missing, this is the time to start looking for inspiration. I love Pinterest and Instagram for discovering new outfits and accessories. It’s a great way to see the same or similar pieces you already have, styled in a multitude of ways, inspiring some versatility you may have been missing before.

Jot the items you want down, and compare it with what you have already. Keep in mind such things as: Will the item work things I already own? Is it a versatile piece? Does it fit with your personal style, and do you see yourself wearing it for a long time?

Don’t feel pressured into quickly filling your wardrobe. If you can’t find what you have in mind straight away, don’t use that as an excuse to settle for less. Simply hold out till you do find that perfect piece, and instead focus on the ones that are available to you.

Filling The Holes In Your Closet

Quality over quantity, is the biggest advice I can give here. You can either choose to fill your basket with twenty mediocre items that you like, or, spend the same amount of money on fewer, but better pieces, that you absolutely love.

That isn’t to say you won’t be able to find your perfect piece at an affordable price. Not everyone can or should be spending upwards of £200 to £300 on a single piece of clothing. However, no matter the price, a dream wardrobe is created by being careful and selective in what we choice to put in it.

Whilst on this journey myself – and still working towards it! - I spent a lot of time researching and discovering different brands I think are worth investing into. I have purchased from some of these myself, others I think offer a variety of good options and I hope to shop there in the future. Of course, these are just suggestions, and may not fit your personal style or budget, but don’t forget the perfect wardrobe pieces for you are out there, you just need to find them!

Brands I believe sell quality clothing that has a place in your wardrobe, from high street to high end:

With these three steps, you should be able to look at your wardrobe in time and, feel a sense of joy and accomplishment. I’d love to know of any retailers you like or, items you purchased recently for your own perfect wardrobes. Let me know below or on Instagram!

Thanks for reading!

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