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  • Writer's pictureAston-Leigh

Feminine Hygiene: Sex Edition

Let's be honest, sex is a fun but messy affair. It's also an act that can cause anxiety when it comes to our personal hygiene. No matter if you are someone who goes the extra mile before a little fun between the sheets, or just takes care of the basic necessities, here are some of my essential do's and don'ts, that will hopefully remove any hygiene related fears from the experience.

Do Try to shave at least a day or more beforehand, not on the night of, because friction on such a sensitive area can cause shaving spots, ingrown hairs and itchiness, especially if you are prone to those. To combat this, it's best to shave or wax at least 24-48 hours beforehand. Then on the day, apply a good layer of moisturiser and oil, allowing them enough time to sink in and protect the skin.

Do Take a shower or bath daily, if you can. Nothing will help ease your fears better than knowing you've already thoroughly cleansed. If you like to go the extra mile, you can always use an exfoliator for super soft skin and a fragranced body lotion/ moisturiser, so you smell good too.

Don't Try to freshen up your downstairs with feminine deodorants, fragranced washes or douching. I know a vaginas natural smell can be a cause of insecurity for a lot of women, but please don't let it be. It is completely natural, just like body hair and sweating. Trying to cover or alter the smell will only lead to an unbalanced PH, which can cause irritation, itching or worse. As long as you are staying hydrated and cleaning around the vagina (between the lips etc, never inside) you are good to go.

Do Use a witch-hazel toner and cotton round on your behind, to neutralise any odour and keep the area clean. I do this after going to the toilet and before having sex, because it just removes any worry of being dirty back there, and gives me more confidence in certain positions. I use the Thayers: Witchhazel and Coconut Water Facial Toner, as its alcohol free and doesn't cause any stinging or discomfort.

Don't Forget your oral hygiene. Sex usually starts with the mouth and, the last thing you want to do is have bad breath during such an intimate time. My personal favourites for oral care are the Colgate: Optic White Toothpaste and the Ultra Dex: Daily Oral Rinse Whitening Mouthwash, as they make my mouth and teeth feel really clean, leave me with fresh breath and help keep my teeth white.

Do Try to go the bathroom within thirty minutes after sex. During sex, germs can get stuck or touch your urinary tract, so you want to do your best to flush them out, to lower the risk of a UTI. I also find this helps flushing out anything that shouldn't be there and may cause an odour later on if left unchecked. If you know, you know.

With that, you're all set. This is just my basic hygiene checklist I try and make sure to tick beforehand, for some peace of mind. A full, head to toe 'D-Appointment' article will be coming soon! Don't forget to head over to the Instagram and let me know your thoughts!

Thanks For Reading!

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