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  • Writer's pictureAston-Leigh

Perfect Pout: How To Keep Your Lips Hydrated, Plump & Beautiful

Lip Care

There’s something about a soft, plump pout that really makes you feel good. Unfortunately, despite our lips being an integral part of our face, they are often ignored in our skincare rituals. So, if you’re looking for a few easy steps to incorporate lip care into your daily routine for that perfect pout, keep reading!


I know you are bored of hearing it, and I do feel like a broken record, but hydration will never stop being a vital cog in our self-care habits and overall health. Staying hydrated is crucial for healthy looking lips, so make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day to keep your lips hydrated from the inside out.


Like the rest of your body, your lips should be exfoliated to help remove dead skin cells and dry and flaky skin. However, as the skin on your lips is much thinner than the rest of your body, it’s highly recommended to do this only two to three times a week.

Using a lip scrub that isn’t too abrasive, exfoliate your lips in gentle, circler motions for thirty seconds to a minute, before rinsing them off and patting dry. I really want to emphasize the gentle here. Over scrubbing or scrubbing to harshly can end up in micro tearing, that can lead to dry, chapped lips and cause permanent damage in the long run. When it comes to product, safe options will usually be scrubs that are formulated specifically for the sensitive area, or a homemade scrub using sugar and coconut oil.

Personal Picks


Most of us use a lip balm or two on a daily basis. However, frequent reapplication is necessary if you want to make sure your lips aren’t drying out throughout the day. If you wear lipstick, always apply a balm underneath and keep a lip oil or gloss handy that you can apply over your lipstick if they are feeling a little dry.

When it comes to lip moisturisers, you want to look for products that contain natural ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil. Personally, I like to keep both a lip balm and lip oil in my bag wherever I go, and apply both underneath a lip mask before going to bed.

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Lip masks are a godsend for waking up to plump, soft lips. They are designed to provide extra hydration, nourishment, and plumpness to your lips whilst you sleep, so they are a lot of reward for minimal effort. Some lip masks can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth, helping to keep your lips looking smooth and youthful.

Overall, they are just a great product to routinely use, and can help undo a lot of the damage done if you are playing catch up with your lip care. Remember, consistency is always key, so make sure you are applying your lip mask every night for the best results.

Personal Picks

Now you are ready for your lips to be hydrated, plump, and beautiful all year round.

Thanks for reading!


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