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  • Writer's pictureAston-Leigh

Romanticise Your Morning: Six Realistic Steps

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Image from Pinterest:

For most of us, getting up in the morning is an eternal struggle. The idea of a long, tiring and possibly boring day ahead has us wanting to get back under the covers, turn off our alarms and ignore responsibilities. However, since staying in bed isn’t an option, there’s no time like the present to start changing your habits and routines, so getting out of bed leads to an enjoyable experience, instead of just the start of daunting tasks.

Just like romanticising our night routines, doing so in the morning can make us feel motivated and confident, wanting and ready to tackle the day and whatever it throws at us. As time can be extremely limited in the morning, you really want to nail down what brings you joy and most importantly, what encourages you to get out of bed. So, let’s create a romantic morning routine.

Early Start

Whilst not being the most joyful experience, waking up earlier is really in your best interest if you want to maximise your morning. If you are waking up an hour before you have to be out of the door, then you aren’t going to have time to do those extra little things that will make you feel good.

So, wake up atleast two hours before you need to leave. An hour for relaxation and mental health, an hour for getting ready. Obviously, you can adjust this as you need too, does it take more than an hour to get ready, or perhaps you want more time to yourself before the kids wake up? How you schedule it is completely up to you, just make sure you are setting out enough time to enjoy your morning, without a frantic rush at the end.

Set The Mood

Romanticising your morning really starts with setting the mood for the day. You can do this by setting a chill, calm ambience. So, open the curtains (or keep them closed if you prefer,) make the bed and light some candles or wax melts. It makes your space feel so peaceful and tidy, and everyone loves a good smelling home.

Your Mental Health Comes First

It’s important to hydrate in the mornings, as this wakes up both your body and mind, however, a nice coffee isn’t a bad idea either. So, grab your drink and get comfy.

Mental health is an incredibly important part of self-care. So, find a good way to de-stress and think about the coming day, or to reflect on things that have already happened. Whether it’s writing your to-do list, penning your journal, reading a book, or even catching up on social media. You want to make sure you have a quiet and productive start, that makes your mind and mood the focus, before jumping into the rest of the day.

Shower/Bath Routine

Now that your mental health has been taken care of, time to get into your physical self-care. Washing yourself in a morning is a great way to wake yourself up, feel refreshed and add to your confidence. Whether it’s only a quick shower or a half an hour bath, personally, I feel having enough time to thoroughly cleanse, moisturise and take care of your body is an incredibly relaxing way to start a long day. If you’d like a quick and basic morning shower routine for healthy, glowing skin check this article.

Now your body is clean, time for your skincare. If you already have a solid skincare routine, then stick with that. If you feel like treating yourself, throw in a face or eye mask to mix things up. If you don't have a morning skincare routine, then it's definitely a good time to start one. Start slowly, a basic routine can consist of just a cleanser, serum, moisturiser and spf. Tailor your routine to your skin, and don't be afraid of trying products and not liking them. If you need a stepping stone, check this article here.

Make Something Good

Bored of just eating plain toast every morning? Time to find some quick but delicious options that won’t take up too much time, but will be far more enjoyable. Eating a good breakfast is essential for a romantic and productive morning, but slaving away in the kitchen for an hour is just not a possible for many of us in the morning. Which is why finding quick recipes that yield delicious results is an essential. Below, are some examples of excellent and quick recipes you could try (all three are delicious:)

Dress To Impress

This might seem like an odd one, but I think a lot of us ignore the aspect of how a great outfit can in turn make us feel great. When we are in a hurry, we often throw fashion out of the window for simple and easy, which is understandable. However, heading out the door in an outfit you feel proud of, brings that extra little touch of joy into your morning, and will stay with you throughout the day. A good idea is to set your outfit out the night before, however if you didn’t, now you’ve set more time out for yourself, you can scour your wardrobe for that perfect outfit. So, find pieces that make you feel confident, accessorise, dust off those gorgeous shoes you rarely wear and head out looking like a million dollars.

Hopefully these steps have given you some good ideas or even a solid routine to apply to your mornings, that will have to rolling out of bed with a smile, ready to enjoy the day.

Thank you for reading!


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